Thursday, 1 April 2010

Final task

A farewell feast?

The 23Things programme has been excellent. Providing a course that takes place at one's own pace, that can be fitted around everything else, is a fabulous way of delivering effective and time-efficient training. It has provided a really good introduction to a whole range of tools, some of which I shall certainly continue to use, and I like the way that some of the tasks have built on previous ones. The instructions for most of the tasks have been very detailed and clear.

Off the top of my head, my least favourite thing is Linkedin. I just felt very uneasy about how hard it is to see how the information entered is available, and to whom. The commercial nature of the site seemed much more suited to a business world than to a public sector one. I shall not be using it.

My favourite new things were blogs (my own and other people's), igoogle, google reader, and picnik. I love the simplicity of the latter, and the fact that you don't even have to log in.
I shall also continue to use Flickr and Delicious (the jury is still out on the latter), and things I was already using, such as Google docs.
I'm not sure that I will use Facebook and Twitter for work (possibly...), but will certainly use them privately.

Overall, I feel that I have learnt a great deal, but I also feel guilty that many of these might not have immediate application to my work. But I'm sure that I shall come back to a lot of these tools, and that I shall use more of them in the future.

Well done, 23Things team!