Thursday, 28 January 2010

Other people's blogs

Well, some other 23 Things participants have beautiful blogs, and put mine to shame. I shall attempt to brighten mine up a bit. I've looked at some external ones suggested on the 23 Things blog, and the styles are all so different. Some are factual, informative, and anonymous. Others are startling in their openness, abundant in photos and personal information.


  1. You make a good point about openness in Web 2.0, it's now possible to start the day knowing that an author you admire has just made a cup of tea. Can't help but think that the late J.D. Salinger must have loathed the whole concept. Some caution is good, I always keep in the back of my mind that what goes out onto the web can't be deleted...

  2. If you've uploaded the content, then you have the power to delete! I think following the rule of not putting things up that might come back and bite you is a pretty sensible one, though.
