Monday, 8 February 2010

RSS feeds

I've been away from my desk for the past week, and so it was with a feeling of panic that I checked the 23 Things blog to see the tasks I had missed. I've subscribed to Google Reader, and have managed to sign up to several RSS feeds. I found it hard to filter through the mounds of commercial and general sites in search of things that might be genuinely of interest. I was also initially confused about exactly what it was that I was finding (were they webpages, or blogs, commercial, institutional, or private?), but now that I've had a bit of a browse, I think I am starting to get the idea.

I suppose many 23 Things participants will have given up on reading each others' blogs, but if anyone does chance to read this, and has found any useful feeds on either rare books or on medieval studies, I would be grateful for details. So far, I have only the following in those areas:

Rare Book News
Rare Book Review
The Fine Books Blog
Medieval News
Medieval and Renaissance: past, present and future
I've tagged my post accordingly, in the hope that it might be spotted.

I've been using Google blog search, and wonder whether there are better ways of finding things.
I'm impressed that someone manages to keep a list of library blogs, though so far have not found anything relating to my own field.

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