Tuesday, 16 February 2010


The confusion continues, and I feel overwhelmed by the ways in which I can store the same information. It seems that I can follow other people's blogs on Google reader, or in my blog account, or on Delicious, or in my bookmarks browser, etc. etc. I feel in danger of losing track of where anything is. I am unclear about RSS feeds and their relationship with blogs. Is a blog just an RSS feed?

I also remain unconvinced about Delicious. I think, as some other 23 Things participants have noted, that I will find it simpler to keep track of things in my browser, without having to log in to yet another place. But I can see that, in terms of keeping track of favourites whilst on the move, it is probably a good thing. I'm not sure how useful being able to tag websites will be, either, as I tend to rename anything I save to my bookmarks with something descriptive. I also use folders to organise my bookmarks.

1 comment:

  1. Just saw your question above about blogs and RSS - it is confusing. A blog is more a special type of website, which often has an affiliated RSS feed so you can keep up with the entries if you wish.
